Monday, February 14, 2011

Today is Another Day that I Love You

I know I tell you this all the time, but it can't ever be said enough...IIIIIIII LUUUUUVVVV YOUUUUUU now put it together....I Love You!!! Here's a little "NSync" gift for you. Enjoy!!! and I hope it makes you smile today :)

And of course no video montage would be complete without this:

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Count On Me

I've always loved this song, and I want you to know that you can absolutely "Count On Me" until my last breath, because you darling are so important to me...and you deserve to be happy and have a life full of sunshine.


As a final installment of my love for you today!!!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Cheer up Kassiah

I found this and thought of you!!!! You definitely bring sunshine into my life bb.

I also picked you a flower to cheer you up and then I painted an "orange" background to put it in - aren't I amazing?? hehehehe Ok I stole it off the inter'webz'!! (I know you laughed there)

If we didn't live so far away I would have gotten in my car and dragged you to lunch....screw work and screw whatever stuff we needed to do today!! but more imporantly I would have given you this:

AND OMG I ran across this and HAD to share!!!!!

In the end of today's "Cheer Up Kassiah" you must remember this foremost.


Thursday, May 6, 2010

Sometimes You May Be Feeling Like This :( but I'm Here to Make You Like This :)

Sometimes I know there are things that just make you want to say this:

But you are sooooo sweet that you don't.  So, I'm here to put a smile on your face and make you see how much I love you, but honestly EVERYONE loves you.  I just know it.

With those sentiments I hope you always remember what an amazing person you are!!!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My Friends Heart Belongs to Orange

Well maybe not so much, but she certainly has an obsession with it.  So, I'm posting some orange pics I found that either cracked me up or I thought she'd like.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Testing post for activation

I Love Kassiah - but she won't see this because I deactivated the subscription.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Just Because of You

Sometimes we all have days when we wonder what in the world we are doing, but even when you have those days you still try to remain cheery.  You have so many outstanding attributes that it is no wonder that so many people love you, including me, not because of what you can do for them, but because of who you are.  Don't ever forget that.  You are loved because, you are you.  You are special, dynamic, loving, honest, kind, smart, humble, loyal and strong.  These are just a few of the qualities that make you, Kassiah, someone I hold very dear to my heart.

Here is me wishing you a blessed, beautiful day.  Sit back for a moment and really think about what can make you smile today, and then do that, even if it is only for a few minutes.  You deserve it.